| 15 Gvirilebi St, Tbilisi, Georgia, 0131



We were pleased to have announced ‘SEPURA DAY IN GEORGIA’ on October 27th at the Conference Room of Digital Technologies LLC, located at 15 Gvirilebi Street, 0131, Tbilisi, Georgia. The event showcased the latest SEPURA products and solutions, including the SCU3 Hybrid LTE/TETRA terminals (vehicular systems). Attendees had the opportunity to experience live demonstrations and presentations of SEPURA’s products. Sergei Yarushin, the Business Development Manager from SEPURA Limited’s Central Office, participated in interactive Q&A sessions. This provided an opportunity to engage directly with SEPURA’s team and gain insights into their products. The event showcased the latest SEPURA products and solutions, including the SCU3 Hybrid LTE/TETRA terminals and SEPURA’s vehicular system.