| 15 Gvirilebi St, Tbilisi, Georgia, 0131

Digital Technologies L.L.C. is  exclusive distributor of FIMO products within the territory of Georgia delivering FIMO® innovative products for RF site preparation, feeder installation and connector isolation to the Georgian customers. About FI.MO.TEC. SpA (FIMO®) - a Reference Brand in Telecommunications Since the middle of the 80s FIMO® has been a worldwide recognized brand in the Mobile Telecom Networks market. With the design and creation of the first cable clamps for corrugated coaxial cables, FIMO® has became a market leader in just a few years time. The success immediately met by its products and the numerous requests for specialized products from its customers brought to further expand the product line. Not only FIMO® offers an unmatched quality and service standard in its segment, but it also provides the largest selection of accessories for mobile telecom networks applications: from cables clamps to grounding kits, from wall entries to fixing accessories of all kinds. Thanks to the experience acquired in the Mobile Telecom and a constant effort in research and development, FIMO® has more recently developed new and innovative products for the broadcasting, for the traditional telecom networks and for wind power and fiber optics applications. FIMO® is proud to count among its customers most of the best companies worldwide in the business.


FIMO offers a wide range of products and services, primarily in the telecom cables accessories and fastening devices industry. Here are some key points about FIMO’s offerings:


Extensive Product Range: FIMO offers more than 5,000 products, including cable fixing elements, innovative electrical cabinets, and electrical, optical, and coaxial cabling.


Custom Solutions: FIMO provides custom-made solutions to meet specific customer needs.


Camouflage Solutions and Equipment Supports: These are designed for rooftops.
Speed and Flexibility: FIMO is known for its speed and flexibility in acquisition, customization, and delivery


Innovation: FIMO has developed dozens of patents and is constantly updating its product line.


Reliability and Competence: FIMO is recognized for its reliability and the competence of its professionals.


FIMO is proud to count among its customers most of the best companies worldwide in the business. They also offer services related to the installation, architectural, and landscape integration of telecommunications equipment.



Detailed information about products and services FI.MO.TEC offers can be found on official web site: